Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reality Rears It's Ugly Head In Day Four

Reality in the form of Day Job Drama (aka The Thing That Pays The Bills) rippled through the space-time continuum, taking it's toll on NaNo Day Four. An unexpected Reduction-In-Force happened at work and for the first time in the last several RIFs, my immediate work group lost three people. It was unexpected only in the timing. We knew another RIF was coming--the company did the requisite SEC filings, after all--we just didn't know it was going to happen so...immediately. :(

As soon as I started receiving the first "so long, it's been good working with ya" emails yesterday morning, I waited in shock to hear my own status and I wondered who else I'd see vanish from the radar screen. The drama lasted pretty much all day, with an "all clear" being sent out late in the afternoon to let us know that the notifications were finished.

I know the one should have nothing to do with the other, but tell that to the creative side of my brain. It's like all the bad things that were happening decided to take up residence and join forces with the negativity of my internal editor. Party! Yay?

For all of that, I still managed to eke out a respectable 722 words. That's almost three times the daily word goal I'd set for myself and been failing to meet for the last few months. Oh, and hey, I got to use the word de rigueur in my story, so, all in all, I can't complain.

NaNo Day Four Words: 722
Total NaNo Words: 5146


Paty Jager said...

Fantastic. That's the sign of a true writer when you can still put out words when all around you is chaos!

Deborah Wright said...

Hard to do, but rewarding. Thanks for all the encouragement, Paty!