Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Day Three, The Plot Thickens

On NaNo Day Three, a surprising development occurs. The plot, all good intentions aside, begins to morph and take on a life of its own. Usually a life tangential to whatever plotting and planning was done prior to the actual, you know, writing. This can be extremely disconcerting at first, but as I start to really get into the story, I begin to see that maybe this isn't such a bad thing.

This is usually the place where I throw up my hands and wonder why I bother to go through all the work of pre-plotting at all. I have to remind myself that I'm the kind of person who deep down believes I need a detailed framework from the very beginning on which to hang my words. I just have to remember that that framework is built of gossamer threads--not concrete-reinforced steel beams--and can be easily re-woven to support the story, whichever way it grows.

I also must admit (grudgingly) that this is a positive development. The characters are surprising me, taking me in directions I hadn't initially anticipated. It's exciting and scary and amazing all at once. And it gives me hope, because the worst thing for me is to write about characters who are automatons that end up boring me. Heck, if I'm so bored with the characters and story that I can't even finish writing it, why would anyone else ever want to read it? Keep on surprising me, characters! Keep taking me down those unexpected paths! I may have to weed out some of the things you do when I finally get to the editing phase, but you never know which unplanned-for-action will be just the thing to bring fresh life to the story.

NaNo Day Three words: 1522
Total NaNo Words: 4424