Sunday, November 8, 2009

On Day Seven There Was No Rest For The Wicked

You know what they say about the road to Hell, right? Yeah, well I had oodles of good intentions yesterday. The weather was lousy. I didn't have anywhere I had to be or anything pressing I needed to do. I had a whole glorious day I could devote to writing.

What did I do? Hey, I've got two of the cleanest bathrooms in town. And I've made a dent in choosing the photos for next year's calendar. I even read a few more pages of the Carolyn Hart mystery I've been trying to finish. Writing? Not as much as I'd intended.

Why? I had all this free time and not a single excuse not to put a couple of thousand words down on the computer screen. What went wrong?

Nothing, that's what. I wrote 887 words yesterday and that's a decent output for me. In addition, while I was cleaning bathrooms and choosing photos and, yes, even while I was reading about Annie and Max, I spent some time thinking about my characters and where they were heading next.

So, even though it didn't look much like writing, I made more progress yesterday than the numbers reflect. I'll take it.

NaNo Day Seven Words: 887
Total NaNo Words: 7427


Alice Sharpe said...

Debbie -- great ideas always come when cleaning. I don't know why. Maybe it's that feeling of getting something done that is relatively mindless and gratifying to complete.

I'm working today -- maybe I need to go clean a bathroom or two....

btw, congrats on surviving the RIF and I love your blog page!

Deborah Wright said...

Thanks, Alice!

Yeah, I think it must be the fact that you don't have to think about what you're doing when you clean. Frees the mind to wander!