Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NaNo Day 17, The Domino Effect

Yesterday, I mentioned that I didn't get time to write on Day 16, but that I still considered the day productive because of all the thinking about the story that I'd done. On Day 17, that thinking bore edible fruit. I wrote out the descriptions of the plot points that I'd hastily scribbled down the day before and, with a little further brainstorming, those plot points led to even more changes and surprises. The whole thing reminds me of one of those designs made out of dominos, where you tip over the end domino and they all topple, one after another. Remove one of the dominos and the effect stalls out.

Writing is a lot like those dominos, isn't it? Sometimes you get to a point and realize you're missing some dominos--character goals or motivation or something else--crucial to moving your story forward. If you're lucky, you're able to figure out how to make things work. You slap in your brand new dominos and away you go.

If you aren't so lucky, you re-examine the dominos you've already put in place, see which ones might just be defective. Or, in my case, discover that the dominos you used are all spaced too far apart. And...okay...that's as far as I can beat that analogy to death (whew!).

Hopefully, you get the idea. I plead being punchy from lack of sleep. The cats decided that 3am was a great time to chase each other all over the house, making one hellacious racket in the process. My husband, of course, slept through the whole thing. Me? Not so much.

And, hey! I've passed 12,000 words! Go me.

NaNo Day 17 Words:  382
Total NaNo Words:  12,221


Lydia Smith said...

Go Deborah. I enjoy so much your journey, or in this case your race. It rev's me up in the morning.

I agree with the domino effect. Writing begets more writing. Except when it begets blog surfing. Excuse me while I go write on my WIP. :)

Deborah Wright said...

Yay! Go Linda! :-)