Tuesday, November 17, 2009

NaNo Day 16, Cogitating and Ruminating

Day 16 was one of those days. You know the kind I mean. Days when you're itching to get to the keyboard, ready for the words to pour forth like a flood. Only to have one thing after another prevent that from happening--not the words, but the getting to the keyboard part.

It wasn't even the comedy of errors I sometimes experience, where strange things happen--big, odd things--and I'm left wondering whose life I just stepped into. Nope, this time it was just normal, everyday little things that cropped up one after the other (unexpectedly), as well as having some things from the Day Job demand my attention.

Usually when these kind of days happen, I can just wait til the end of the day and write before going to bed (late). Unfortunately this was one time where I was just too pooped to do that. Maybe I'd stayed up late too many nights in a row, but I could barely keep my eyes open after dinner, let alone string more than two words together in a row. Sometimes it's better just to bow to the inevitable.

Even so, I thought a lot at odd times during the day about the new direction my story is taking. I even came up with a couple of twists for the plot, jotting them down in my own cryptic shorthand so I wouldn't forget them. I'm still pleased with what's happening with the story.

I may not have written any words on Day 16, but I still count it as a productive day.

NaNo Day 16 Words: 0
Total NaNo Words: 11839


Lydia Smith said...

I love reading this blog. You've got me started on NaNoWrMo also. Keep blogging!

Deborah Wright said...

Linda -- thanks! Glad you're enjoying the blog. That's great that you're doing NaNo! It really is a fantastic experience, no matter how many words you write. :-)

I'm afraid I didn't get to my daily post until late today, but at least I'm posting before the end of the day. ;-)