Monday, November 16, 2009

NaNo Day 15, Suddenly Productive Again

The unexpected writing productivity experienced on Day 15 directly stemmed from realizing on Day 14 that certain aspects of the story weren't working and then mulling over my options. While most of what I wrote yesterday is new (and improved!) backstory, some of it is descriptions of new plot points.

I felt energized as ideas came faster and faster until my fingers couldn't keep up with my brain. I wrote in a fever, the words just pouring out as if I'd uncapped a hidden spring. I know that I was at least as productive in the first blush of the original story, but this feels tighter and more focused. I'm hoping that means I made the right decisions. Only time will tell if this new direction will be the one the makes it to The End. I'm not worried, though. I continue to learn valuable lessons, no matter how it all turns out.

How productive was I on Day 15? In a little over two hours I wrote 2098 words! When things are clicking, the words come easily.

NaNo Day 15 Words:  2098
Total NaNo Words:  11839


Lydia Smith said...

Wow. This is very inspirational. I am glad I found your blog.

Deborah Wright said...

Welcome, Linda!

Glad you were inspired. :-)