Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day 11, Away From The Keyboard

We all have them. Days when, best intentions aside, we're unable to get to writing until it's too late and we're too tired. That was NaNo Day 11 for me in a nutshell.

No excuses, just an explanation. Day 11 started off all right. I thought I'd have plenty of time to write, even with everything else I needed to accomplish (errands, doctor's appointment, work). And then the unexpected happened--a mini crisis at work--and my carefully crafted schedule went pfft!

By the time I was finally in front of the computer to actually write (not do something work related), it was after midnight and my brain was fried. Normally, the late hour isn't a problem for me. I tend to be a nightowl anyway. I get my second wind around 10:00 and can easily stay up into the wee hours of the morning if I'm not careful. And usually I'm pretty alert. Not last night. Whatever was going on in my head yesterday pretty much guaranteed that all I could do when I wanted to write was stare at the computer screen like a zombie.

Rather than fight the inevitable, I decided to just pack it in and hope the next day (today) would be better. I did manage to scribble a few words down on paper (how low tech!) during the day, in the "in-between" moments. I wrote maybe 200 to 250 words that way. I'm not counting them, though, since I didn't even have the energy to transcribe them to the computer. I'll count them in Day 12's total, if I end up using them.

NaNo Day 11 Words:  0
Total NaNo Words:  8678

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